
Hello, World!

My name is Salwan Shathar, and I am currently a second year student at UC San Diego studying computer engineering.

drawing drawing

Coding Experience

My coding journey started out back in highschool on Java for AP Comp Sci. Ever since then, I have been interested in programming applications, and so I have picked up more programming languages along the way, including C, C++, C#, and ARM Assembly. I have also had some and continuing to build experience on game development using Unity. Through programming, I learned Einstein’s quote figuratively and quite literally:

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

With all these years of coding, I can sum up my daily schedule with this code snippet:

    // sleep();

Little About Me

I have lived almost half of my life in the US. I lived the other half in the Middle East, Iraq and Syria. Outside of academics, my main hobbies are:

For my life goals, I currently have (rather vaguely):

It is still a work-in-progress, but it will get completed with time and effort.